Thursday, 22 October 2009

Negative paintings

I was going to upload some photos that I took in Cheshire the weekend before last, but these are mainly of sunlit leaves again (can you spot a theme here...?) To show that I am not just into vegetation, here are a couple of shots from a series I shot over the summer. Dungerness beach in Kent has to be one of the strangest places in the UK. It's like a desolate wasteland, and on part of it there are a load of old shipping containers which have been left there to rust and decay. I took a series of detail shost of the surfaces. I think of these as negative paintings'. They have started as a fully painted surface, and then the elements have gradually stripped layers of the paint away and caused erosion to reveal these wonderful patterns - sort of the opposite of applying paint and building up a pattern as an artist might do when approaching a blank canvas.

These are my two favourites, I think. Any comments welcome as always!

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